RHSV Gallery Downstairs239 A'Beckett St
Melbourne, VIC 3000
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Event contact
Royal Historical Society of Victoria9326 9288
This, our inaugural Indigenous History lecture, is a stellar addition to our annual program of Distinguished Lecturers. The lecture has been generously sponsored so we can make it free-of-charge and as accessible as possible. Welcome to Country will be performed by respected Elder, Aunty Zeta Thomson. Our President, Richard Broome, will chair this event.
We are thrilled that Dr Julie Andrews has agreed to be deliver the inaugural Indigenous History lecture. Julie is descended from the Woiwurrung people of Melbourne and the Yorta Yorta tribe near the borders of Victoria and NSW along the Murray River. She is a member of the Dhulanyagan family clan of the Ulupna people.
Julie is committed to empowering young Aboriginal people through education and mentoring. She is involved in community development and is an anthropologist with a long connection as a scholar in Aboriginal Studies at Latrobe University. She is Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Studies and Indigenous Strategy Committee for the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University.
For over thirty years Julie has been instrumental in developing Aboriginal higher education at La Trobe University’s Bundoora and regional campuses across Victoria. Among her many roles, Julie lectures and researches on Aboriginal community, cultural knowledge, families, identity and self- determination. She is a working party member for the Indigenous Australian Dictionary of Biography project and is a Melbourne Museum Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Council Member, and is involved in the Aurora Education Foundation Internship Program, and has been involved in the North Balwyn Rotary Indigenous higher education scholarships as a mentor.
You can choose to attend this lecture in person or via Zoom. If you join us at the RHSV, drinks are served from 5:30pm and the lecture will commence at 6pm. For those joining us via Zoom, the event will commence at 6pm.
Please RSVP on the RHSV website here
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