Royal Historical Society of Victoria239 A'Beckett St
Melbourne, VIC 3000
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Event contact
Lauren Indiveri-Clarke(03) 9326 9288
Join lead editor and Emeritus Professor Richard Broome, for a lecture celebrating the development and history of Melbourne. Broome will trace the development of Melbourne from an Aboriginal place, to a colonial hub, through sheepwalks and golden fields of wealth to the urbane modern metropolis the city is today.
Whilst some historians have said that Australia was born modern, it is really only Melbourne that this can truly be said about, and it is important to understand the city’s formation and growth. Broome will explain “Marvellous Melbourne’s” nineteenth century growth and decline. The lecture will focus, in particular, on the European phase of Melbourne’s history, asking why and how Melbourne grew to have such rich culture and history.
The lecture will also discuss the highly sought-after and popular book, Remembering Melbourne 1850-1960 (2016), the revised reprint of which will go back on sale at the lecture, after being sold out for months.
Who: Richard Broome, Emeritus Professor in History at la Trobe University, in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria
What: Lecture and Q&A with author Richard Broome
When: Melbourne Day, Wednesday, 30 August 2017, Refreshments at 12.30pm and lecture at 1:00pm with Q&A immediately following
Where: Royal Historical Society of Victoria, 239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne 3000
Cost: RHSV members free and $10 for non-members. Bookings essential. To make a booking, please contact the RHSV offices at 9326 9288 or [email protected]
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