Deakin DowntownTower 2 Level 12/727 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3008
Google map and directions
Event contact
AMaGA Victoria03 8341 7344
The theme of the 2019 Forum is ‘The Healthy Museum’ and will bring together AMaGA members, students and the wider community to hear from museum and gallery professionals from around the world, network and discuss current issues in the sector.
The 'Healthy Museum' theme is at the forefront of new learning and research, especially around the themes of health, happiness, sustainability, education and wellbeing. The Forum aims to provide delegates with information and discussions that demonstrate how museums and galleries can create a healthier, happier future for both our sector and the wider public. The forum will address some of the critical current issues such as wellbeing, sustainability, and inclusivity in the sector.
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