Northern Bay College3-25 Goldsworthy Rd
Corio, VIC 3214
Google map and directions
Event contact
Margaret Birtley0418 814 957
The free History Roadshow tours regional Victoria to deliver a curriculum enrichment program for VCE history students and teachers. The program complies with the HCV's Child Safe policy and is funded by the Strategic Partnership Program of the state government's Department of Education and Training.
For students in the Geelong region, this event offers sessions on Twentieth Century History, Ancient History (Greece), Australian History and Revolutions (Chinese, French and Russian). (Sessions will be confirmed in response to demand.)
Precise details are in the Booking Form. Teachers planning to bring their students must book by the closing date of 4 pm on Thursday 23 August 2018.
General information about the History Roadshow is available here and in this booklet for schools.
Participation is warmly invited from government, Catholic and independent schools as well as from Distance Education students in the region.
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