The HCV is committed to a culture of child safety and has adopted a Child Safe Policy to guide its activities that involve children. Click here to access the HCV's Child Safe Policy and Procedures as a PDF document.
Our Advocacy Policy can be accessed via the Advocacy Projects page.
Our Epidemic-Pandemic Policy and Procedure can be downloaded as a PDF.
Our Privacy Policy can read here, or downloaded as a PDF.
Statement on a First Nations Voice to Parliament
The History Council of Victoria is the peak body for history in Victoria, comprising representatives from cultural and educational institutions and heritage bodies. The HCV advocates the importance of historical literacy in a well-educated citizenry. The study of the past and telling its stories are critical to our sense of belonging, to our communities and to our shared future. The history of all places and times is our concern, but we use our public programs and the Lynette Russell Award to highlight knowledge of First Peoples’ histories.
As a body of institutional representatives across the fields of history, historical records, history teaching and heritage, the HCV notes the profound importance of the referendum concerning a First Peoples’ Voice to Parliament. Our engagement with the history of this land is the basis for our support for the aspirations in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and our view that First Peoples must be recognised in our Constitution. We acknowledge that First Peoples lands were seized without formal cession or treaty, and that survival despite often deliberate discrimination is a daily reminder of both extreme disadvantage and the strength of Indigenous cultures.
This response is supported by a majority of individual Board members but does not necessarily represent the views of all of the institutions they represent.
Publications - Annual Reports
The Annual Report for 2023-2024 was finalised in September 2024 and you can see this and earlier Annual Reports here: