Sunday 8 March 2020 marks 109 years since the first International Women's Day (IWD). It offers the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women past, present and future, across the world.
How will you recognise IWD this year?
Here are some suggestions for activities:
Explore the ideas and resources on the IWD website
Check out the web links assembled by the City of Melbourne
Visit Wayward Women? an exhibition at the Old Treasury Building, Melbourne (open from 10 am to 4 pm)
Visit the Suffrage Research Collection at NGV International (St Kilda Road, Melbourne), acquired with assistance from Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and Family (open from 10 am to 5 pm)
Visit Heidelberg's Busy Bee Signature Quilt 1895-96, an exhibition at the Old Heidelberg Court House (open from 2 to 5 pm)
Make a tax-deductible donation to support the development of Brazen Hussies, a film documentary that celebrates the bold women who ignited a feminist revolution in Australia during the Women's Liberation era (1965-1975)
Screen the Brazen Hussies teaser trailer at your event during Women's History Month, and alert your audience to the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to the project (as per the previous paragraph)
If you are hosting an IWD event on Sunday 8 March and would like it to be added to this list, please email [email protected]
If your event is about Women's History and is being held during March 2020, please add it to the calendar for Women's History Month. (See the instructions HERE.)
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